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Find Your Creativity | Orland Park Milestone Session

Find Your Creativity | Orland Park Milestone Session

It’s funny how things circle back to the beginning.  After my first born came into the world I tried to document every single moment of his life.  I did weekly “baby boards” where I updated family and friends on our day to day:  what he was learning, what he was like, and how we were fairing in becoming a new family.  It was at that time I realized that my best way of documenting was also my favorite, through photography.


Thus, Alison Therese Photography was born.  As a business, it started as a way to reimburse myself for purchases made for “Declan shoots” but I soon found that it fulfilled my need to socialize, create and find the true me as an artist.  Two kids and a thriving business later, I was struggling to do what I started this whole adventure to do.  In capturing moments for others and documenting their love, I had forgotten to document the love of my own family for one another.


Finding my Creativity 

This past year has been a rough for many reasons and early on I found myself pulled in too many directions doing things I needed to do, with not enough time to do other things I wanted to do.  Through our Stay-at-Home-Distancing-Self-Imposed-Quarantine-Isolation I noticed I have been spontaneously picking up my camera to document my ‘little monsters.’ There are muddy hands from digging near the garden, speeding a 2 mph race car around the backyard, and the thrill of first attempts to ‘furniture walk.’  These are the gratifying pictures I’ll one day place in their photo albums.


I also find myself planning for new things I want to achieve in the future, setting goals for not only my business but also personal accomplishments.  One thing I have wanted to do for years, but it never quite clicked before, is a paint session.  Now, I had time to create ‘food paint’ recipes and decide what tools are needed to make my vision come to life; all because my life has slowed down and I can think through an entire thought.  The best part is my family got to be the test subjects to make sure it all worked as planned.  We all had a fun hour watching Charlotte experience something new and for once she got to enjoy being the center of attention.  


Let Get in Touch

Please email me at alisontheresephoto@gmail.com or use the let’s chat link on top at if you are thinking about having your own Orland Park Milestone Session. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is best to book your session with me about 4-6 weeks in advance (sooner if newborn session). Especially if you are thinking about having your session in Spring, Summer or Fall.  Now booking through September.

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