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Grandparents during Covid-19 | Alison Therese Photo

Grandparents during Covid-19 | Alison Therese Photo

I have always been enamored with grandparents; mine, yours, just grandparents in general.  When I was setting up my blogging schedule in January I had planned to have the April Blogs title be “Grandparents in our Memories”.  

My fondest memories from childhood are filled with my grandparents.  My Grandmas’ secret stash of bullseyes that we used to ransack. Poppi (my Grandfather) had a makeshift storage units that he made out of 2x4s and jelly jars.  I wish I had had the foresight to take a picture of all the random nuts, bolts, screws and nails.  There was something beautiful about the way the light shined through glass block windows in the morning and illuminated those jars.  I also miss the way Grandma used to yell at us to “be quiet!”  although she used slightly different words when she was backing into the garage or a parking spot.  

That is why I think that my kids not seeing their grandparents during Covid-19 is the hardest part.  Hearing your son say, “I am sad.  I really want to play with Grammy DiDi.  Is this going to last forever?” or your daughter say, “Mommy why can’t Bop and Nana come in again?” It is just plain heartbreaking.  I can’t even imagine what it feels like to be on the other side of it. To yearn to see your granddaughter crawl for the first time with your own eyes.

Yes, I desperately miss my parents and the immense help that my mother-in-law gives me but my heart also breaks for my kids.  We Google Duo, Zoom and Messenger Kids (which usually turns in to a fight about the filters they can put on the phone) the grandparents pretty much every day.  We have even played Sorry using a phone hanging from a chandelier to see the board, but that doesn’t do near enough to replace a kiss or a hug.  

My kids’ grandparents are there in a pinch, will say yes to pretty much everything they ask (which is a lot at some times). They are fiercely (sometimes overboard) protective and loyal to my kids.  I know how blessed we are in that sense.  To hear your Dad say that the worst thing about this is that he misses seeing your littlest grow is gut wrenching.  (Excuse me as I go wipe my tears.)  Their time with their grandparents is already so fleeting.  It kills me to have everyone miss out on experiences with each other.

The thing that is getting me through all of this is our reunion, date TBD.  Photo nerd alert: I have already planned the location, lighting, wardrobe and lens I will use.  I will probably be shooting blind as I won’t be able to contain my emotion.  I might just have to push my daughter over a few times so that she saves her first steps for when they can see them through their own eyes.  And I know I can trust all of you to keep that a secret.  She won’t throw that back in my face when she is 18, right?  I think (hope) that is the quarantine talking!

Going forward.

I had already planned on doing Grandparent Mini sessions for all of my amazing families on April 26th which has come and gone.  The date was then going to be pushed back until May 30th which again can’t happen.  I also feel like Mini sessions won’t be feasible for a long time, as for the remainder of the pandemic I will have a minimum of two days between indoor sessions in order to deep lean my studio in-between.  

My suggestion for families wanting to capture the love that grandparents have for their grandchildren is to have an extended family session.  I just can’t envision how much more these photos will mean now.  How much we all realize our family and real relationships mean to us all. How important family is.

I have opened up my schedule for June 1st-September 1st.  I will not be having a retainer fee for these as I know how uncertain finances can be right now.  Really, I just want to shoot love again and from what I have seen lately there really is nothing like Grandparents love for their Grandchildren because God knows only Grandparents can handle the seasickness that comes with have a 3 year old operate a video session on a phone.


Please email me at alisontheresephoto@gmail.com or use the let’s chat link on top at if you are thinking about having your own Grandparents Session. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is best to book your session with me about 4-6 weeks in advance (sooner if newborn session). Especially in Spring, Summer and Fall.  Now booking through August.

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