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First Birthday Cake Smash | Dinosaur Session

First Birthday Cake Smash | Dinosaur Session

Any Mama knows how bittersweet our babies’ birthdays are. We think back on the previous year, all the struggles and milestones, all the tears and laughter, all the heartache and joy and try to breath it all in. We watch our littles transform in front of our eyes. Sometimes wishing for time to go faster so that we can have a moment to our self. Other times longing for our cuddle bug to snuggle with us instead of running around the house like a maniac.

The milestone that hits the hardest is the First Birthday. There is so much transformation that takes place in the first year. Yearning to hear that first wail, sleepless nights, cuddles, late night feedings, learning, and growing into someone to be proud of. And then there is the baby’s transformation. From a helpless infant struggling to see, picking their head up, recognizing a voice, learning to control their fingers, finding their toes, the first time they don’t recognize someone, rolling, crawling, sitting and starting to show their own little personality. It is a life changing experience that you want to throw into a time capsule. It is the longest and shortest year in your life all rolled into one.

The Cake Smash

It’s no surprise then that one of my favorite things to photograph is the First Birthday Session. Your little one shows so much personality when confronted with something new, which is why I always suggest a cake smash for a first birthday session. It is something that awakens all senses of our littles. From the smell of the frosting, to the texture of it in between their fingers and most of the times toes. The vivid colors of the cake and scenery around it, and even the sound a baby’s little hand makes when in is slapped into frosting. Not to mention reacting to the smiles, laughter, and cheers from the parents!  It really is something to experience.

Oh and the taste. There are a few reactions. There is the kid who tastes it and does a whole body shiver (which might just be the cutest thing I have ever seen), the kid who tastes it and spits it out because my gosh is that sweet (I have a plan for that) and then there is the kid that has never had anything so glorious in their life and ends up diving face first into the frosting. All priceless moments to see.

When your baby is about to turn one year old and you are thinking about how to celebrate do not forget about documenting that celebration. Sometimes with cake. Because in my opinion food always makes everything better.




Please email me at alisontheresephoto@gmail.com or use the let’s chat link on top at if you are thinking about having your own First Birthday Cake Smash. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is best to book your session with me about 4-6 weeks in advance (sooner if newborn session). Especially in Spring, Summer and Fall.  Now booking through June.

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