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Quinlan Family | Oak Lawn Family Photography

Quinlan Family | Oak Lawn Family Photography

I have know this mom and dad since at least 4th grade. I probably knew them longer but don’t remember it.
During the session I showed the back of the camera to dad and told him, “who would have thought.”  And he said, “yah, right?!”

I remember Megan as a sweet girl who I believe I was on student council and in Girl Scouts with. And dad, my memory of dad is him throwing a rock into the air at a street light in Ninos parking lot and it coming back down and hitting me in the head. I was okay.

They knew each other from kindergarten. Know all of each other’s stories and now have three adorable babies together. Who would have thought.



Please email me at alisontheresephoto@gmail.com or use the let’s talk link on top at if you are thinking about having your own Oak Lawn family photography session. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is best to book your session with me about 4-6 weeks in advance (sooner if newborn session). Especially in Spring, Summer and Fall.  Check this falls available dates.

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