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Burke Family | Evergreen Park Family Photography

Burke Family | Evergreen Park Family Photography

Every time this family has another kid I think that there is no way that the kid could be as cute as the last. Each time I am amazed as to how I am wrong.  They are each beautiful in their own way.  The oldest is the sweetest little girl with a spunky attitude and a motherly touch. The oldest son is AMAZING at sports he was scoring baskets when he was 9 months old but he also LOVES babies and is so sweet with them. Next is “Bubba” with his cheesy smile and hilarious disposition. And then there is the “baby”, who is growing entirely too fast.  His eyes look deep into your soul.

They each have their own features so if you didn’t know it you wouldn’t single them out as siblings but their bond is strong. You can already tell that they would do anything for each other and god help anyone that messes with one because you are going to get the crew. I had so much fun playing with them on the gorgeous fall night. I can’t wait to see how their personalities grow as time marches on.



Please email me at alisontheresephoto@gmail.com or use the let’s talk link on top at if you are thinking about having your own Evergreen Park family photography. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is best to book your session with me about 4-6 weeks in advance (sooner if newborn session). Especially in Spring, Summer and Fall.  Check this falls available dates.

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