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Eccardt Family | Orland Park Newborn Photography

Eccardt Family | Orland Park Newborn Photography

What came first the chicken or the egg?  I ask this because I was thinking a lot about that after this session.  Well not that exact question, but one related to it.  We will get to that in a minute.  I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how incredibly sweet and relaxed this family is.  They put you at ease immediately upon meeting them.  Their baby was so sweet and would let herself be posed while she was awake.  She slept for most of the session and her parents were relaxed and loving as I have seen new parents.  So my question is are children chill because their parents are relaxed or are parents anxious because their child is a handful.

That may seem harsh to put that kind of pressure on new parents so I will explain further.  When my first, Declan, was born he was calm.  The beginning as nursing was not going well but I was determined.  Early on I decided I wanted to have him have a relaxed atmosphere.  I had admired a friend of mine that was having a tough pregnancy but she was so positive about everything.  She explained, “The baby is feeding off of me in more than one way right now.  I am tryin to show him to take life with a grain of salt”. This resinated with me and for the most part Declan was a very content baby and has grown to let most things slide off of his back.  

My second, Isabelle, is a wrecking ball.  (I say this with all the love in my heart as it is also one of her strengths). She was a difficult newborn as she didn’t sleep well and wasn’t usually content where she was.  I tried to remain cognizant of my patience and words but as the sleepless nights continued and my toddler tested me I would loose my cool.

When I became pregnant with my third, Charlotte, I began to wonder about this often.  With a curious 5 year old and a spunky 3 year old I knew that it would be hard for me to create the kind of calm that I originally wanted in my house.  Our life is a fun chaos.  Even with all that Charlotte is a great sleeper who for the most part is a happy baby.  So what do you think?  What came first the chicken or the egg?  What is your view of nature /nurture?



Please email me at alisontheresephoto@gmail.com or use the let’s chat link on top at if you are thinking about having your own Orland Park Newborn Photography Session. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. It is best to book your session with me about 4-6 weeks in advance (sooner if newborn session). Especially in Spring, Summer and Fall.  Now booking through June.

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